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हमारी हिंदी कहानियाँ जरूर देखे।
Hindi short story | Sher or chuhe ki kahani – Daani TV
जब एक शेर जंगल में आराम कर रहा था, तो एक चूहा मनोरंजन के लिए उसके शरीर के ऊपर-नीचे दौड़ने लगा। शेर की नींद टूट
English short moral story | Tenali Rama and the gangs of thieves
Tenali Rama and the gangs of thieves Long time ago, there used to be a kingdom named Vijayanagara in the south of India. The king
English short story | Story of an old man – Daani TV
An old man lived in the village. He was one of the most unlucky people in the world. The whole village was tired of his
Foolish Donkey | English bedtime story
A salt seller used to go to the market everyday carrying a bag of salt on his donkey. On the way he had to cross
English Bedtime story |Potatoes, Eggs and Coffee Beans – Daani TV
There was a boy named John and he was very sad. His father found him crying. When his father asked John why he was crying,
Woodcutter and the golden axe | English moral story | Bedtime story
Once upon a time there lived a woodcutter near the forest. He used to collect wood in the forest and sell them in the nearby